E&A Law

Fees and Service Delivery

Our most commonly used pricing models are (i) an agreed hourly rate, which may vary according to the seniority and experience of our lawyers and the complexity and urgency of the case and (ii) a fixed fee. Fees will include VAT where applicable.

The following factors may influence the timescale for the provision of our legal services:

Business Integrity

We are committed to conducting our business according to a high standard of business integrity. We have an Anti-Bribery Policy and Modern Slavery Statement, copies of which are available upon request.

Client Confidentiality and Conflicts Policy

We also recognise the absolute importance of client confidentiality. Members of E&A Law and administration are fully cognisant of the duty to keep the affairs of each client confidential (Core Duty 6 of the Bar Standards Board’s Handbook and rC89.5).

Please contact Mitja Melansek for more information about our policy and procedures if required.

Regulated by the Bar Standards Board.